
Friday 27 May 2011

I am freeee!

I had my last exam today :D My zoology degree is officially OVER now I just have to wait for results to come out. It was close, but after the way the exams went I think I will probably get a 2.1, which is fine by me!

I don't quite know what to do with myself now... I can't wait to go home, but at the same time it will be very strange knowing I'm not coming back to Nottingham. I am hanging around here for a couple more weeks, so hopefully I will manage to do some of the things I have been meaning to, like visit the castle.

Since finishing my exam at 12.00 this afternoon I have done very little. I started work on this again, which was put on hold while I was revising. I'm up to the third band and it's looking ok but as Kirsty pointed out earlier the back looks quite hard. I hadn't looked that far ahead! But we shall see.

That's all for now! Maybe now I have my life back (if I ever had a life in the first place) I will have something interesting to update about next time!


Monday 23 May 2011

Knitted bunnies

Here is the finished rabbit from a couple of posts ago! And his friend, grey bunny.
They will be used in a fundraiser to raise money for a pair of baby continental giants who each had to have an eye removed. :( Unfortunately one of the rabbits didn't make it :'(

And here is a shot from the back to show the liddle hood. It doesn't quite fit over his ears :(

And here is one of grey bunny in her dress. It came out a bit big cause the pattern wanted fingering weight yarn and I didn't have any so it is DK.

Both made from the Fuzzymitten well-dressed bunny pattern :)

That's all for now! The next time I update I may actually have finished uni :|


Saturday 21 May 2011

Look what I got!

Look look what I got! :D

DR PEPPER PANTS! :D:D:D Aren't they awesome?

Oh and because I told Kirsty I would get one, here is a video of my bunnehs in the garden yesterday. Ruby does a pretty good binky about halfway through. She loves going on the grass. I think she gets excited about the idea of being surrounded by food...

Ooh also, I finished the bunny in my last post but haven't had a chance to take pics yet. I may put some up later!

Bye for now,

Monday 16 May 2011

What I have been doing instead of revision...

It's been quite a while since I last updated. Oops! But since Kirsty is the only person who reads this I think I am safe, lol.
Anyway, I haven't updated because I haven't had anything to update about. Most of my time has been taken up with revision for the last ever exams of my zoology degree. Aaah! And the rest of my time has been taken up with procrastination from revision.

Knitting is pretty good for procrastination. A lot of my revision time recently has been taken up with knitting this guy:And look! His friend the white rabbit is in the background :) The rabbit will have some clothes knitted at some point but I left all my coloured wool at home so he will have to wait. He is going to be sold to raise money for a rescue I volunteer at. I have also made a grey bunny with the same pattern but she is in bits at the moment so no pictures, lol.

The pattern I used is from here. It's the same pattern I used to make the bunny in one of my earlier knitting posts. He looked a bit different because he had button eyes. I have since bought some safety eyes and I think they look much better!

I hope that's enough of an update for now! I really should get back to learning about parasites and immunological mechanisms, although I fear it will make my head explode :(

Bye for now!