
Thursday 22 December 2011

Vetty work experience

I have been at work experience at a lovely mixed vet practice this week which has been a nice break from shop work (especially the week before Christmas!). I think it has been my favourite vet placement so far, I have seen so much! 

The practice sees lots of exotics so I had the chance to meet a chameleon and some bearded dragons, and watch surgery on a snake. I have always thought that exotics is something I’d really like to specialise in if I ever get to be a vet, but I hadn’t had much experience in that area before this week. Now I know for definite that it’s an area I find really interesting.

I didn’t manage to see as much equine as I was hoping (it was kind of the reason I wanted to go to a mixed practice!), just a few visits for vaccinations. I’m sad I can’t spend a bit more time there but they’re closing early for Christmas so I have only done the four days this week. If I get into vet school I’d love to go back there for EMS. 

Now it’s back to normal work for a couple of days and then CHRISTMAS, which means a day of overeating and sleeping lots. I’m going to my Nan’s house for Christmas day and she makes reeeally good mince pies. Yummeh!

Hope everyone has a great Christmas and New Year. I will try not to leave it weeks before updating again. 


Friday 9 December 2011

No news yet!

Sorry I haven’t updated in a while! Most of my time recently has been spent at work where nothing terribly exciting happens so I haven’t had much to talk about. 

I have been to Tiggywinkles a few times since I last posted and I should be getting some of the kit to start proper rescues on Monday. I am pretty confident handling foxes now. They behave sort of cat-like so I can predict what they are going to do a lot of the time. Deer however are still a challenge! They are very unpredictable and I have lots of bruises to prove it, lol. 

I haven’t anything from any of the vet schools in a while. I’m taking no news as good news because I think some rejections have been handed out already. The graduate interviews are usually held a bit later than undergrad interviews anyway as far as I know. I had the BMAT results back a couple of weeks ago and I didn’t do too badly. I got quite high on the science section which I was glad about. Having done a science degree already it would have been quite embarrassing if I had done badly there! No one seems to know quite how the vet schools use BMAT scores in the application process so I’ll just have to wait and see if it’s good enough!

I have a few knitting projects on the go but I can’t write too much about them yet because they are Christmas presents ;) Not all the recipients read this blog but I will keep quiet just in case!

I have some work experience at a mixed practice coming up in a couple of weeks so I will try to write something about that soon.

Bye for now!
