
Friday 28 October 2011


Since I last wrote, I have sent off my university application and managed to find a job, yay! 

I am working in the gift shop Past Times which sells some cool stuff (or I think so anyway). It has gone pretty well so far, but I don’t get paid until the end of November which is a pain :(
College is going ok, and it has been half term this week which is weird because it feels like we only just started! What is the point of half term, really? It has given me more time to work in the shop and earn monies anyway which is good.

I have done a few more training sessions at St Tiggywinkles and moved on to larger animals now. The foxes and badgers are fine (although the ones I have been practising on so far have been pretty flat) but I was having trouble with the deer. I have decided that the bigger deer are too heavy for me to lift on my own (about 30kg, and kicking) so I will just pin them to the floor and get someone else to help me lift them :D 

I went to see Contagion the other day which I thought looked pretty good. I went with my mum (cause I’m cool like that) cause plague/disease-y type films are our favourite. I quite liked it and it seemed really realistic compared to something like The Stand where everyone except a few particularly interesting characters die off. One thing that annoyed me though was the overuse of technical jargon one minute and the patronising explanation of simple concepts the next. People who work in disease research are not going to explain lock and key mechanisms to their equally knowledgeable colleagues! Anyway, I think it was worth seeing but maybe not at the cinema (although we went on a cheap night so that was ok :) ). 

I am annoyed at the lack of horror movies in cinemas now we are so close to Halloween. They are my favourite part of the holiday! Except maybe the sweets. 

I know I said in my last entry that I’d try to have something interesting to write about this time but that has failed :( Have a picture of a kitty instead.

(I’ll try again next time)